This was posted by Shirley of whom I became a fast fan.
I immediately slobbered on myself, because - I am REALLY watching what I eat. (not a diet - i don't believe in them - a life change. 6 lbs so far!)
I got lost in this image - maybe because I was craving something sweet. It became a birds eye view of a map, houses, hilltops, river beds, lakes, I wanted to go there. What would I wear if I went there? (this is how my mind works) Something just as delicious of course!
I let this image which had already taken me to someplace wonderful, take me by the hand, and lead me further into my creativity.
Then this popped up in my head. I RAN to my work table and started sorting thru beads and wire. I couldn't get this finished fast enuff. I was afraid the creativity would melt away like chocolate on a hot summer day, and I would never get it finished
It's a creamy, dreamy, chocolate cuff of stoneware and ceramic, with a touch of swarovski crystals.
Thanks for going on this trip with me. Inspiration can come from many places. Where does yours come from?